Nå som jula er over, så lager jeg julepynt :o) Men jeg synes denne papirkransen passer vel så fint til nyttårs pynt. Og etter nyttårs feiringa, så får den ligge å vente tålmodig i kottet helt til neste jul.
Jeg brukte kun lim pistol til å lage kjeglene. Trenger ikke tape eller stiftemaskin. Og festet kjeglene til en rund papp bit.
DIY fant jeg på Youtube: Christmas wreath old book pages
Ha en søt kreativ dag...♥
Now that Christmas is over, I make Christmas Ornaments :o) But I think this paper wreath fits nicely to the New Year celebration. And after New Year´s party, the wreath get to have a nap in the closet until next Christmas.
I found the DIY on Youtube: Christmas wreath old book pages
I only used a glue gun to make the cones. Don´t need tape or stapler. Attached cones into a round cardboard.
Have a sweet creative day...♥
Now that Christmas is over, I make Christmas Ornaments :o) But I think this paper wreath fits nicely to the New Year celebration. And after New Year´s party, the wreath get to have a nap in the closet until next Christmas.
I found the DIY on Youtube: Christmas wreath old book pages
I only used a glue gun to make the cones. Don´t need tape or stapler. Attached cones into a round cardboard.
Have a sweet creative day...♥