

onsdag 31. oktober 2018

Diamond painting

Have you ever heard about diamond painting? Some photos of diamond painting was advertised on my facebook side not long ago.I thought it looked so fun to make such pictures.So I was on you tube to get some ideas.And then I had to order of course.Because,yes,it looked so much fun.

The first diamond painting I ordered was a Christmas painting,but have not received it yet. But I have got two paintings of a adorable angel girls(sorry for the small pictures):

They are just 30 by 30 cm,so I don´t know if they will be to pixelated.
I got them yesterday,and I started to "paint" the one yesterday.And uhaaaa,this is not good for the neck and shoulders.So I have to have many breaks.Have ordered an adjustable laptop desk,so I hope that will help.

The store I bought it from was Matreshka diylove store from Aliexpress.And I am very pleased with the items.The canvas was wrapped around an styrofoam,so it was smooth without wrinkles.They also had counts the drill packets,and it is lots of them left.

I will get back and leave pictures when I am finish with the first painting.(Think I am a bit hooked:) 

Have a fun and creative day ♥