

lørdag 3. november 2018

Diamond painting finished

So,I am finish "painting" my little angel girl.Isn´t she just adorable.I was so pleased when I got it in the frame,that I had my little happy dance :) Yes,so pleased that I had to start the other one to yesterday(angel girl,chasing a heart)Have to say that I have got some shoulder pain,but that´s how it is....

The longer you stand away from the picture,the clearer it becomes.
You can se here how unclear it is when I stand right to it.

My little angel girl and owl ♥

Closer to 14000 tiny drills in this painting who sparkles so beautiful.

Have a nice weekend ♥

onsdag 31. oktober 2018

Diamond painting

Have you ever heard about diamond painting? Some photos of diamond painting was advertised on my facebook side not long ago.I thought it looked so fun to make such pictures.So I was on you tube to get some ideas.And then I had to order of course.Because,yes,it looked so much fun.

The first diamond painting I ordered was a Christmas painting,but have not received it yet. But I have got two paintings of a adorable angel girls(sorry for the small pictures):

They are just 30 by 30 cm,so I don´t know if they will be to pixelated.
I got them yesterday,and I started to "paint" the one yesterday.And uhaaaa,this is not good for the neck and shoulders.So I have to have many breaks.Have ordered an adjustable laptop desk,so I hope that will help.

The store I bought it from was Matreshka diylove store from Aliexpress.And I am very pleased with the items.The canvas was wrapped around an styrofoam,so it was smooth without wrinkles.They also had counts the drill packets,and it is lots of them left.

I will get back and leave pictures when I am finish with the first painting.(Think I am a bit hooked:) 

Have a fun and creative day ♥

torsdag 26. juli 2018

Chocolate balls

This chocolate balls are so delicious.And they are easy and fast to make.I think they tastes like truffles,and are "melt in the mouth" kind of deliciousness.

I use Raw organic Carob powder and Raw organic Cacao powder in the mix.If you don´t have the Carob,just use the Cacao.Carob is more sweet in taste,not so bitter as Cacao.I tried to use only the Carob powder in the mix,but I find it to sweet.So mix them half and half together works great.

I used my Ninja to blend the mix smooth.The Ninja blender I have had it for about two years,and I love it.I use it for smoothies,salads....There is three different jars to use,so it is my favorite blender so far.I have the Vitamix also.Got it just a couple of weeks ago,so have not used it that much.So can not say how much a like it yet.

Store the chocolate balls in glass jars and keep them in the fridge.

So to the recipe: Approx 8 balls

7 Medjool dates,pitted
2 Tbsp Carob powder
2 Tbsp Cacao powder
2 Tbsp Coconut oil (room temperature)
2 Tsp Vanilla extract
1 Tbsp Water

Have all ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth.
Roll into balls and dip them in Carob powder or Coconut flakes or both....

Have a beautiful day ♥

mandag 23. april 2018

Hand painted ceramic animal necklace and earrings

Again,"long time no see" The days flies away.It is difficult to manage "everything" every day or often. The people who manage it,must be Superwoman or Superman.Maybe they have some magic vitamins or something.I don´t know....

But here is something that I know for sure,and that is:I am in love with these ceramic animals!I have got some adorable hand painted ceramic animals necklace and earrings in my shop.

I begin with this Toad.This Toad is so realistic and adorable.

And this Deer,so adorable.
And this Elephant,so beautiful.

This Sloth,oh my so adorable.

Chickadee,so beautiful.

Pug,so incredible adorable.

Bulldog,what a cutie.

I have one for myself too :) This cute little prince frog.

He is so adorable,don´t you think?

I have a cotton rope on mine.And do you know why? Belive it or not,I am hyper allergic to metal,including pure gold.A jewelry maker who is allergic to all metal,it is a little funny (and a tiny bit strange)

You can hang a charm on it,for example on the side of the rope.So that is very nice.

I will get this alternative in my shop too,soon.I think it is many people out there,who are sensitive to metal.

And here is some beautiful ceramic earrings:

There is plenty more of these beautiful ceramic animals in my Etsy shop: ALMrozarka.

Have a lovely day ♥